Do you really know what you want?

The majority of people drink much more than they wish they did and much more than the health guidelines propose. Most of them, like I did in the past, blame themselves. You know what?

 It’s not your fault!

As a This Naked Mind certified Alcohol-Free Life Coach, I help women find freedom and strength in whatever is holding them back from having the true freedom and genuine happiness they desire.

"It is in virtue and boldness that one attains freedom"

-A. Kalvos

• Do you feel tired all the time?
• Do you drink more than you used to?
• Do you regret it the next morning?
• Do you often justify to yourself and to others for how much you drink?
• would you like to drink less, but there is always an excuse not to?

Would you

  • Like to have more energy?
  • Like to be fully present all the time?
  • Like to be proud of yourself every single day?
  • Like to sleep better
  • Like to enjoy every minute of yout life, without waiting for the weekend to do so?

Let me help you be the more ENERGETIC, INTUITIVE, CONFIDENT and POWERFUL you!


Waking up every day with enthusiasm and energy. Setting goals for optimal health,  eating well, working out, losing weight, finding joy, having the confidence to reach your dreams and feel alive every single day.


Your goal is LIFE itself!



Let's work together! I want you to reduce stress, improve your sleep, improve your relationships, achieve healthy goals, lose weight and become what you've always dreamed of!
I want you to gain back your confidence!


Places are limited, so choose the program that will change your life today!